Who we are


My Name is Tom Chartier, I am the founder of Chartier Woodworking. I actually started this company in order to help a good friend out, and to start a new journey into craftmanship. I have been in construction and woodworking my entire life. I started this company in 2022 and I have worked hard to get it to be what it is today.

I grew up on a horse farm in Maine. After High School I did a quick stint in the Army (8 years, 2 deployments to Afghanistan) where I met my best friend. He convinced me to give Minnesota a shot. I have been here since 2008 and have never looked back. Minnesota is home to me, I have eaten real Dome Dogs and camped in the Boundary Waters. I have spoken to Paul Bunyan and served in the Minnesota National Guard. I have slept out on the ice at Mille Lacs and wear crocs too often. This is all just to say that I love it here and call Minnesota my home.

When it comes to my work, I am a very particular about quality and about service. Deep down craftsmanship means a lot to me. Doing my job as well as I can, truly is the aim. The Cabinets I build and install will inevitably showcase these values. When a meal is cooked with thoughtfulness and care, you can just tell. The same is true for fine woodworking. I hope to be able to show you what we can do here at Chartier Woodworking.

Real People. Real Products. Real Fast.